Monday, April 14, 2008


my daze

sake in a box

monkey park- 150 monkies chillin' on top of a mountain

cant feed them outside of the "rest room" 

ooops... random temple we stumble upon...

mmmm... sushi on a conveyor belt...

british pub in kyoto
papa, the dart champion of the pig n' whistle, beating sam, the arm wrestling champion of kyoto
okaasan givin ben a little lovin
sam's angry face
today was the first day of classes.  we made paper.  it was wonderful.


TasteMyFishie said...

...droopy nipples??...

Jessica said...

Damn it. She DID leave without calling. But I will forgive her because I will soon see her in Thailand as is only fitting for for her and I to do.

I love you darlin', and oh how lovely your pictures are. Until I get a chance to take to the seven seas myself, I will live vicariously through your stories and pics.

Take care, be well and have a rollickin' good time, prepackaged food and all...

Unknown said...

YAY paper making! That video was lovely. So are your pictures, and your new friends. I love you!