Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Golden Week

During the first week of May most of Japan gets a few days off to relax.  Most people get away for the holiday so Kyoto was surprisingly chill over the weekend. We got to see a few live shows though- one Samba Band at an Irish pub and a Jam Band at a Honky Tonk Bar

Jam Band Night (Japanese Style)
say goodbye to chelsey's last dread- end of an era
The Gardens of Kyoto right down the street from my dorm
East meets West- vending machines everywhere
The walk from my dorm to the subway station, an off shoot of the Kamo River
The most expensive taxis in the city
sam giving an aussi smirk on the overpass (and yes that is a flower behind his ear)
Kurama, a little one street town right up the road from the school- not quite sure what is with the big nosed red dude, but he is everywhere
little buddhas with adorable bibs at the bottom of temple walk in Kurama
Almost to the top, Kurama is nestled in the trees
and yes, vending machines even at the entrances of temples
sick dragon fountain
the top
main street, Kurama (up the hill to the left is a wonderful little natural hot spring or onsen)


TasteMyFishie said...

Haha....'big-nosed red dude'...classic. He's a tengu; a type of spirit from japanese folklore that are well known as guardians of forests, gods of mischief and trouble, or kidnappers. Originally they had the shape of a bird with a long beak and slowly over time that morphed into a anthropomorphic creature and finally a 'big-nosed red dude'. I dont know much about it but I do know there are tons of different stories about the tengu.

As for the baby bibs on Buddha, I dunno....I'll have to ask.

Unknown said...

hey Kyra, are those jam bands anything like the ones we saw here in Denver? Do they sing in English ever? Man, we made fun of those guys for a long time.

Arw wu wreadddddyyyy?

K. said...

LOVE! the big red nose is classy- I love demons of other cultures. Miss you tons. I just was with Sadie for a few days in Oakland. It was hot. But kept wanting to call you... that would have been hotter.